30 April 2014

Internet Of Things

An Internet of Things is an interesting concept. However, quite open ended and still very much an emerging area. The idea is also about making smarter cloud driven applications to ubiquitously find things in general. A thing may be something tangible for enhancement towards smarter living. In some ways, making lives easier and yet becoming ubiquitous in our every day lives. Using the Internet to make things more connected. Things here could be any concept - a device, a service, or even an abstraction of some kind to conceptualize data in some useful way. Ordinarily it requires some form of smart identity profiles similar in respects to the idea of RFIDs. Making things smarter means such concepts become more accessible and extensible as resources. In semantic web, things and concepts hold separate meanings. However, the same approach can be applied to the Internet of Things as well. The interaction can be seen in a distributed computing context as well with rich information flows even in real-time. The domain context is extremely broad and is valuable in areas of mission-critical applications. They also enable smart city life where almost every device or gadget becomes alive from embedded intelligence with a constant stream of data without requiring significant human intervention. Obviously, in this regard even the most mundane functionality such as light switches can be made complex by their embedded circuitry to enable them for such an ideal. There are also security risks for making everything enabled for privacy concerns in general. Such self-controlled intelligence can also make people lose a sense of control of their lives. There is also a need for more efforts towards a formal policy, protocol or framework to allow for the concerns to be tackled and a seamless integration process.