26 May 2014


Crowdsourcing is an interesting option in which services, ideas, and content are outsourced from a wider online community, towards streamlining of cost-effectiveness, and faster delivery of work, in a distributed fashion without the added complexity. Although, quality can be a bit questionable at times but that is what one attains from economies of scale and the mass division of labor. There are now many contextual ways of crowdsourcing based on various needs and requirements. Amazon MechanicalTurk, provides an option for crowdsourcing on distribution of granular tasks based on specific human intelligence requirements that may not be very plausible for computers. There are now even different types of crowdsourcing emerging as business and individual needs grow in the world of globalization. Crowdvoting allows one to garner topical opinions and judgements directly from the online community. Even crowdsourcing for creatives allows businesses to get various design work completed quickly. There are even crowdsourcing options available when different language translation needs arise. Also, crowdfunding has become popular as small businesses and individuals look for alternatives for funding their projects who may have been declined by banks or find funding from a pool of people more accessible option. Crowdsourcing also adds a way of getting a large input from the crowd ranging in various contexts. Although, for individuals that are providing the work resource, it may not be so lucrative as often the pay is quite low. In other respects, it may allow one to gather opinions quickly about their own work in a collaborative manner and provide a way to better showcase their work for recommendations. Internet is moving towards a more collaborative and connected web. While this may offer more options for business and individual collaboration, it also provides a lot of drawbacks and complexities for employment law and in the global regulatory scheme of things.