26 June 2014

Urban Visualization

Urban visualization in future is going to play a key role in identifying issues within our local areas. However, such information needs to be available to all and not just the public service authorities. One should be able to view such visualization on TV, over the web, on their mobile, and even while they are making a decision to live some where or not. As people get older, safety becomes a major concern especially when it involves families. Increasingly, government departments have a need of harnessing data and understanding the way cities are evolving over time for future decision making. Urban visualization also will help in tackling terrorism and any other form of domestic criminality. They may even help evaluate school progress in specific districts as well as provide clues to re-orgranizing and re-directing population growths in any given area. One can contextualize a visualization map based on any information gain parameters. There is an endless amount of ways data can be shaped and layered into a visually appealing format and provide clarity of information. Often, graphs and drawings can provide a greater sense of understanding and discovery than just a set of words in a document. They are also less time consuming, albeit do come with visual complexities for interaction. Visualizations also have to be very performant and responsive. For public and medical service visualizations, having real-time data may be pertinent. In other cases, studying historical trends may be more important. There is always a need to balance different domain contexts. One must narrow down domain contexts to each visualization perspective to maintain separation of concerns and singular level granularity of information gain. As more and more data becomes connected, there will be more private and public visualization options available to serve varied contextual requirements. Unlocking such data is still a major issue as governments tend to hold key to a gold mine of information. At same time, security agencies look to restricting or blocking access to specific data. These are all road blocks that seem to have underlining concerns for everyone that has ever used the web as our lives every day become more and more approachable to prying eyes. Perhaps, as we move forward security and data will go hand in hand to provide much in terms of visualization, intelligence, information, as well as control of our identity and future data needs. We as consumers and producers of data hold much in control of our choices but not necessarily so much in the access of such prevailing information. Historically, it seems collaboration of projects and active discussions provide for much innovation, discovery, and reflection. They have also provided for many successful projects of today and assisted in developing others. As more and more people look to democratize on data access, there will always be people looking to abuse or marginalize those community efforts. However, large collaborative efforts in community pave the way for awareness and pressure towards achieving many road maps for shared information access as well as much in way of progress, setting aside road blocks along the way. The importance of information visualization is dependent on context and quality of data. As progressively more data becomes available, over the web and through government agencies, the developer community will be able to harness and provide better as well as more thought provoking solutions to real-world problems, in a more constructive manner for active decision making.