30 September 2014

Publisher Content APIs

While ereaders are taking of in market, it seems only natural that publishers start opening up their content. Content APIs should be an attractive option for many publishers.  And, yet many appear to not avail such an option as part of their revenue model. Almost anything can be turned into a Content API. Content APIs can take many forms and include premium mashups that could be made available over the Apple AppStore or Google Play. Even providing a flat subscription pricing model over access to all ebooks is an attractive option for many readers and potentially an option for publishers too. As publishing for physical books alone is gradually becoming a dwindling business, many look for opening up new avenues for opportunities within their business streams. It is inevitable that publishing companies will need to look for alternatives to explore and widen their reach to survive in the competitive marketplace. Amazon has also made it difficult for many publishing companies to survive. One area where publishing companies are still going strong is in the lucrative education and research market. Ereaders not only need to be able to support many file formats but also multiple platforms. Even types of content needs to be flexible from magazines, comics, maps, to ebooks. Ereaders also need to provide premium features on top of just standard such as touch sensitive interfaces, collaborations and sharing, semantic tagging and annotations, bookmarks, outlines, light viewer, API customizations, audio support, as well as several other options. The drawback to physical books is usually that they go out of date, readers can also lose interest after having read it a few times, and it can cost a lot more as well as require the use of paper. Ebooks are convenient, flexible and as a result have become a phenomenon. However, the area for such ereaders is likely to also evolve into more flexible and rich environments. Publishers need to embrace the change or risk losing valuable business to a competitor that grabs the digital opportunity.