16 October 2024


Schema.org is useful markup to have on website as it makes it search engine friendly while helping them understand the content and internal structure which enables better search results. However, the schema.org website lacks clarity and is difficult to navigate like a clutter of information.


  • Enables search engines to better understand content on sites that rank higher on search results
  • Improve click-through rates and organically increase traffic on site 
  • Provide more flexibility and context to how sites appear in search results
  • Increase user search relevancy
  • Improve strategy for content and context
  • Improve user experience
  • Flexibility on markup from microdata, rdfa, and jsonld
  • Provides a meta vocabulary to define the context of the site
  • Extract who, what, when, why from sites 


  • Unfriendly schema.org community for suggestions, feedback, and improvements
  • Submitting new changes or schemas is slow and often fraught with frustration 
  • Terrible and difficult to navigate schema.org site as the information is cluttered
  • Community is not very open and unwelcoming to new users
  • No real reasoning and significant effort towards web of data queryability 
  • Community is discriminatory towards user suggestions, submissions, and approval process 
  • Very opinionated and closed community which makes it unconstructive 
  • Huge Google bias with often rude and arrogant community members 
  • Markup often is buggy, flawed, and inflexible to community changes 
  • Process is fraught with trial and error
  • Difficult to develop a strategy around the markup 
  • Difficult to implement at scale with larger websites 
  • Maintaining markup is a challenge 
  • It is subjective and questionable whether the markup significantly improves discoverability 
  • Limited tools that support and provide insights into the markup 
  • Inflexible schema.org developer community makes the standard inaccessible, inextensible, and unmaintainable 
  • Unclear documentation on the schema.org website 
  • The markup is still very limited in context and scope especially for larger websites 
  • Lacks sufficient domain coverage as a markup

Although, the project has a long history and many websites make use of such markup, it has significant drawbacks that justify alternative efforts. The project is also Google sponsored with a significant corporate bias which defeats the merit and accessibility for an open community engagement. The often slow process means the markup lacks speed in reaching its full potential. An active open community may speed up the process but this is likely to be a significant roadblock from the existing community of developers who are not very forthright with community engagement. Bugs in schemas take a very long time to resolve and usually recommendations are not appreciated in the community. There is significant concern for websites to use such markup where the community is often unapproachable and inflexible. After all, it is supposed to be a web standard which arises from a community effort and engagement. Lastly, a markup that lacks readability, reasoning, and trust as a web standard is likely to be insufficient for the spectrum of web crawling, semantic search, web of data, and AI in general.

13 October 2024



Netflix Terrible Recommendations

Netflix is all hype. The quality of recommendations and personalization is terrible and lacks variety of content. The entire flow of rating system looks flawed. And, when you refresh the browser the same content that you thumbs down on reappears at the very top. The infinite scrolling is annoying. The algorithm does not personalize to watch habits of a user. Majority of the recommendations seem to be new and irregular. 

Netflix has an inaccurate and insufficient data collection gathering process which leaves an incomplete dataset for a recommendation model. The model is neither sufficiently able to gather how you use the platform nor how you don't use it while ignoring user interests and intents.

Netflix algorithms try to measure correlation but not sufficiently causation. It is not able to answer "why". This is in fact the whole point of a recommendation algorithm to utilize insights in order to make deeper contextual decisions on personalization to match items to users. 

Netflix algorithms lack sufficient reasoning skills to understand the habits of the user to provide better recommendations in respect of context, intents, and interests. The connections drawn between two points of data seem blurred. This may be as a result of tastes that are not fixed but tend to change. Unfortunately, there is also lack of filters for the user to provide additional data. This could include preferences as part of user profile. The fundamental filtering attributes of grouping items with the user in context seems to be missing for quality recommendations.  There is also little to no common sense in the recommendations. It often seems like the user will be trapped in a bubble of sorts. Also, one would assume that they would also recommend their own produced content to recuperate production costs through the platform and take benefit from user data. Furthermore, this may even provide insights on future production projects.

Finally, there is a significant lack of content variety on the platform. A huge bias towards Indian content over other regional content. The content library needs a complete reboot with more flexibility on user preference filters. And, an increase in frequency of new content to be able to sustainably compete with other streaming platform providers.

19 September 2024

Worst Regions for Employment

The following regions have the worst employers where the chances of getting exploited are high with such low pay that they expect you to almost work for free:

  • India
  • Israel
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Kuwait
  • Brazil
  • Bangladesh
  • Belarus
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • Philippines
  • Colombia
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Romania
  • Mexico
  • Nigeria
  • Sudan
  • Madagascar
  • Costa Rica
  • Venezuela
  • Bulgaria
  • Myanmar
  • Tunisia
  • Algeria
  • Iraq
  • Yemen
  • Afghanistan
  • Nepal
  • Bhutan
  • North Korea
  • Moldova
  • Ukraine
  • Georgia
  • North Macedonia
  • Albania
  • Burkina Faso
  • Chad
  • Ethiopia
  • Uganda
  • Somalia
  • Djibouti
  • Libya
  • Mauritania
  • Ghana
  • Eritrea
  • Kenya
  • Senegal
  • Peru
  • Western Sahara
  • Liberia
  • Sierra Leone
  • Niger
  • Cameroon
  • Rawanda
  • Tanzania
  • Malawi
  • Mozambique
  • Angola
  • Namibia
  • Botswana
  • Zimbabwe
  • Zambia
  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Chile
  • Uruguay
  • Paraguay
  • Cuba
  • Puerto Rico
  • Vietnam
  • Cambodia
  • Thailand
  • Laos
  • South Sudan

7 June 2024

Scam Jobs at Indian Companies

If you are ever approached by Indian companies in either Europe and USA, be warned. Most of their roles are placeholders. They advertise for scam jobs. Most of the work will likely be carried out in India on the cheap. The jobs they have in Europe and USA are mostly for window dressing for client engagement. Avoid at all cost. Unless you want to be stuck in an unhappy job with zero work/life balance within a terrible organization.

Things to notice:

  • Job descriptions that have catch all with a lot of excessive keyword stuffing
  • Interviewers are very passive, and at times aggressive, and not actively engaged
  • Interviewers that are overlooking the technical details when you ask probing questions
  • Interviewers that are clearly indicating that 'you won't be doing this'
  • Interviewers are very high-level about most things
  • Compensation is often brought up in every stage in an attempt to reduce and to ask you how flexible you are
  • Through the stages you will find out that the entire process is a scam to fill roles as placeholders
  • Through the stages you will find out that the role is not what is advertised, in fact the job title likely does not match the job description
  • Check the reviews, most likely other candidates have also been treated badly through the process
  • They often will seem in a rush to hire that is because they have likely not secured the funding for the project
  • Most Indian companies have significantly lower payscales that are below local market rates
  • Their entire process will be riddled with unprofessionalism
  • At times, the HR and interviewer engagement will also be quite rude and unapproachable
  • Be very careful to spot the deceptions, indian companies are notorious at lying both to clients as well as to the general public
  • Non-compliance issues with processing and storing of your personal info (some may even share your personal info with third-parties)
  • There is a reason why people talk so badly about indian companies in social media discussion boards, simply put huge number of people have had bad experiences

Sample companies that often advertise scam jobs on job boards:
  • Tata Consultancy
  • HCL
  • Wipro
  • Infosys
  • Mindtree
  • Mphasis
  • Mindspace
  • Tech Mahindra
  • NTT Data (although, a japanese company, specifically their indian heavy departments)
Increasingly, outsourcing means more and more companies are advertising scam jobs. Some USA and Europe companies that also have big indian hubs that advertise fake job ads:
  • Accenture
  • KPMG
  • Deloitte
  • Ernst & Young
  • CapGemini
  • Sopra Steria

23 May 2024

Annoying Things Recruiters Do

  • When the recruiter agrees to a time to call but never does
  • When the recruiter has no job description to provide to you
  • When the recruiter's info about the vacancy is unclear and limited
  • When the recruiter calls you right before an interview
  • When the recruiter calls you right in middle of the interview
  • When the recruiter wants you to write a summary of your CV/Resume
  • When the recruiter talks to you on phone like they know what they are talking about
  • When the recruiter lies to you on phone when not being available
  • When the recruiter lies to their client about you not being available
  • When the recruiter arranges an interview and forgets to pass you the details
  • When the recruiter arranges an interview at the last minute
  • When the recruiter arranges an interview and passes you the incorrect info
  • When the recruiter has a preferred candidate they like and you are only their backup
  • When the recruiter confuses you with another candidate
  • When the recruiter has no clue about the role
  • When the recruiter wastes your time
  • When the recruiter approaches you with a role but never bothers to return your call or email reply
  • When the recruiter says you are overqualified
  • When the recruiter says you are underqualified
  • When the recruiter says you are not a cultural fit
  • When the recruiter wants to keep your CV/Resume on their database
  • When the recruiter is obviously biased in their selection process
  • When the recruiter is rude and racist
  • When the recruiter is only wasting your time in order to comply with de&i
  • When the recruiter talks more than they listen
  • When the recruiter doesn't bother to provide any feedback
  • When the recruiter calls you about the role but can't share role details with you
  • When the recruiter wants you to fill out lots of forms which have a lot of repetitions and errors
  • When the recruiter asks you the same questions over and over again
  • When the recruiter asks really silly questions
  • When the recruiter asks personal questions
  • When the recruiter wants to know your life story
  • When the recruiter doesn't like your profile, is unlikely to put you forward, but wastes the time anyway with you
  • When the recruiter approaches you with a role that is not fit for your skills and experience
  • When the recruiter doesn't bother to read the CV/Resume
  • When the recruiter asks for your salary expectations and tries to give you lower than the expectation
  • When the recruiter asks for your salary expectations and gives you the absolute lowest in that salary range
  • When the recruiter asks for your salary expectations and what you wouldn't consider and gives you exactly what you stated you wouldn't consider
  • When the recruiter gives you an overview of the recruitment process but it turns into an endless rounds of interviews or completely the opposite to their standard recruitment process
  • When the recruiter misleads you through the recruitment process
  • When the recruiter approaches you in the first instance but then disappears completely or ghosts on you
  • When the recruiter calls just to get job leads
  • When the recruiter calls you more when you are in a role than when you are not in a role
  • When the recruiter expects you to start work without a contract, while taking the time to issue you a contract
  • When the recruiter is deceitful and plays games with candidates
  • When the recruiter is unprofessional, irresponsible, hostile, has poor interpersonal skills, and lacks basic emotional intelligence
  • When the recruiter needs to be chased up for things
  • When the recruiter needs to be taught how to read a CV/Resume
  • When the recruiter says they put your CV/Resume forward for a role but haven't
  • When the recruiter puts you forward for a role without telling you or asking for your consent
  • When the recruiter wants to use your CV/Resume to secure potential roles, but never bothers to represent you for any of them
  • When the recruiter advertises for a role that has already been filled
  • When the recruiter advertises for a role that does not exist
  • When the recruiter advertises for a role only to collect CV/Resume
  • When the recruiter wants to rush you through signing a contract without giving you sufficient time to review it
  • When the recruiter approaches you for a role where the job description does not match the job title
  • When the recruiter misleads you on the role and you find out during the interview
  • When the recruiter changes your CV/Resume without informing you
  • When the recruiter rejects you for the role that you could have been suitable for and then contacts you for a role that you are absolutely not suitable for

22 May 2024

Things Women Do That Men Hate

  • Fickleness
  • Play the victim
  • Gold digging
  • Hypocritical view of equality
  • Double standards
  • One rule for me, another rule for them
  • Lie about being in a relationship
  • Lie about not being in a relationship
  • Never say sorry
  • Blame men for everything
  • Clingy
  • Taking hours to get dressed
  • Excessive makeup
  • Expecting men to be mind readers
  • Expecting men to pay after them
  • Self-absorbed
  • Self-centered
  • Excessive amounts of insecurities
  • Plastic surgery
  • Whinging about everything and anything
  • Faking
  • Unnecessary shopping
  • Gossiping
  • Testing men
  • Comparing
  • Crying to get their way
  • Lateness
  • Changing plans at last minute
  • Interrupting
  • Dating multiple people at same time
  • Asking men to always do things for them
  • Asking for equal pay for half the work
  • Expecting special treatment
  • Hating men
  • Using men
  • Lacking a sense of humor
  • Take themselves too seriously
  • Attention seeking
  • Constantly looking for approval
  • Rarely have their own opinion about anything
  • Unoriginal
  • Easily manipulated
  • Shallow
  • Indecisive
  • Never give a straight answer about anything
  • Dishonest about everything
  • What's yours is mine and what is mine is mine
  • Thinking they are entitled to everything
  • Abortion without asking the man with my body my choice nonsense
  • Expecting child support as they are emotionally and financially incapable
  • Following the crowd - herd mentality
  • They are like a walking contradiction on everything

21 May 2024



Emerging Applications of GNN

  • Recommender Systems
  • Computer Vision
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Program Analysis
  • Software Mining
  • KG Mining for Drug Discovery
  • Predicting Protein Function and Interaction
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Urban Intelligence
  • Stock Market Prediction
  • Asset Management
  • Startup Prediction
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Traffic Prediction
  • Crisis Prediction
  • Weather Forecasting
  • Explainable AI
  • Wireless Communication
  • Cybersecurity
  • Web Crawling & Harvesting
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Robotics
  • ...

6 May 2024


They say actors are professionals. They are good at conveying emotions in front of the camera. However, overtime the imagery becomes blurred between the staged acting and reality. If an actor can do all that for money then they have the capacity to cheat themselves, their partners, and the people watching them. They are essentially role playing. And, at times falling for their co-actors. Many even sleep with their co-actors to form that chemistry or bond. Sometimes they may sleep with the director or producer to get the part. Other cases, they could be sleeping with the director to go from supporting actor to the leading actor. Perhaps, they have to do this or else be doomed in the industry. Even repeating the same intimate scenes over and over as practice. However, where does one strike a balance towards what is acceptable? How far will an actor go to earn money? Kissing for money? Sex for money? At times, it can sound cheap and sleazy, almost like prostitution with consent. No wonder actors have a hard time in relationships. You can never really trust an actor with their emotions. To them life becomes a drama and everything is theatre. One day they will be sitting back with their partners over a bowl of popcorn, replaying the scenes on Netflix. What happens when it gets to the intimate scene? What happens when the couple has children? What sort of answer do you give to the child when they ask - daddy why is mommy kissing another man on telly? They may be good at acting in front of the camera. But, their entire life falls apart or left behind in reality. No longer the typical easy trips to the supermarkets. They are surrounded all the time by an entourage of people. Everything is scrutinized about them in public. Life becomes complex from each passing role where they become more distant from people and more secluded from the average things in society. Some don't even realize inflation and that the price of an item has gone up like tomato or a loaf of bread. Their social circle dwindles. Everything turns into a facade. But, they are never truly happy in all this fame and fortune. Loneliness and depression engulfs their mind from day to night. It all leads up to a household of broken families, broken promises, broken relationships, broken children, and inflated egos. Is fame and fortune really worth it? It would be far easier if they were seen as humans. If they acknowledged to the world their flaws, their mistakes, their imperfections and let the world acknowledge them as human beings just like any other role today. If they set limits for themselves on what they wouldn't do for money. People are far more accepting if they know someone than one that is distant and full of secrets. In the entertainment industry, AI has had a profound influence. In some ways this is for the good. In other ways, it means weird dynamics between AI actors and Human actors. It also means loss of jobs for actors and the production crew. Perhaps, this will imply that the whole idea of drama, film, and theatre becomes a very immersive entertainment experience.