20 July 2022

What Makes an Effective Leader

From the time humans have existed, leaders have been all around us. Over time such leaders have emerged across a multitude of disciplines from religion, to engineers, to scientists, to economists, to politicians and beyond. The road they all take is an arduous one. Some came with the need for power, others came with the need to change the way things were done, while still others inherited it through family or through their scientific thought. However, in many respects leaders often struggle with popularity vs hate, all requiring a degree of security protection which makes their lives fraught with challenges from within the ramifications of society. Life is a complex road for leaders. One can question that some even chose such a path while others were simply destined for it. However, over the years there have also been many caught on corruption charges, scandal, and assassination attempts. And, yet we see an endless cycle of people with the same desires of becoming a leader one day. What attributes shape a leader is not an easy question. Many are unique and do not share the same traits or qualities. But, one thing is for sure, for an effective leader one has to inspire and trigger the very hearts of people that they want to garner support in society to fulfil their objectives. The following list some attributes of effectiveness in leadership:

  • Leaders inspire and motivate others to succeed
  • Leaders make sensible, timely, and impactful decisions 
  • Leaders are compassionate, understand people, and their sentiments
  • Leaders instill a sense of hope in others
  • Leaders make great communicators and provide convincing arguments
  • Leaders make great enablers and achievers
  • Leaders make great visionaries and this trait often turns them into role models
  • Leaders prefer to use terms like 'We' rather than 'I'
  • Leaders take control but delegate when it is necessary
  • Leaders empower others to be at their best, but also acknowledge their human side to making mistakes
  • Leaders invests in people
  • Leaders stay focused during critical situations and times of crisis
  • Leaders are great influencers
  • Leaders are results-oriented and open for change
  • Leaders make good mentors and coaches
  • Leaders are self-aware