19 December 2022

Resting Bitch Face

An interesting area to tackle with deep learning for computer vision is in psychology to discover human state of emotions. One such area is RBF - Resting Bitch Face. This facial expression is often characterised with commonality between males and females where they appear unintentionally to display feelings of anger, despair, grumpiness, annoyance, or irritability. However, the state of the individual is likely confused for relaxation or resting. There are often more underlining psychological aspects at play here both from the on looker standpoint as well as from the one projecting such a state of emotion. The phenomenon seems to be fairly a common condition. It often also gets used in fashion and lifestyle photography. Such applications can use methods of stable diffusion either to enhance the condition or further to distort such an appearance. Furthermore, one could develop an emotion model for psychology to study the various facial expressions to understand the mental state of an individual.