24 June 2021

People That Memorize Things

There appear to exist people in IT industry that memorize literally everything from APIs, Libraries, functions and the whole lot. In some job interviews they will even ask questions that purely test one's memorization skills. Such efforts at memorization are futile. In many cases, it is unnecessary and a pointless exercise in wasted time. One should never have to memorize something that they can lookup or do an autocompletion on, especially if it is being used as a tool to complete work. Technology moves at such a fast pace that new versions are released, APIs are changed, new ways of doing things are introduced, and in time previous methods may be deprecated. In many cases, people that memorize such tools are likely doing it to pass a certification exam. Perhaps, also something to question, is the need for such a pointlessly designed certification. Invariably, memorization is tested by people that are academically inclined, that use it as a yardstick for others, and have very poor practical skills at applying any of it themselves. Phd people tend to fall in such an academically inclined group with poor practical skills. All in all, memorization in most context from academics to practical life adds little value.