14 September 2022

Evolution of Photography

Photography has been a dark art at times. These days anyone can pick up a camera and take a snap. Even deep fakes have enabled boundless forms of creativity. The dying art of professional photography is truely over for most photographers whose struggle for work is likely to grow even more and the evolution of digital photography is eclipsed by AI and Computer Vision. Computational photography apps will likely enable any individual to have the skills at their disposal within a few clicks of a button. An agent inspired photographic lens could also be an option. However, to this day the trickiest aspect of photography has been the embodiment of colors in imagery. At times, colors can transform themselves like deep below the ocean where red color is no longer visible. Capturing emotions and imagery in the stillness of time then looking at it decades later has been the very essence of preserving memories which is very efficient in terms of storage. Perhaps, quantum information may be explored through storage of data in images that could come alive as they are explored and processed through a virtual world.