2 September 2022

Women in IT

The reality of hiring for diversity is that one will have to work with people who are unqualified, ill-mannered, and unprofessional. Increasingly, there are stories abound about how it is difficult to work with women in IT.  Women in workplace expect men to help them in every possible way, just because they are women. And, yet expect equal pay. More and more women are only interested in hiring women and exposing their biases. On other occasions they are rude, racist, and unprofessional to male colleagues. Women make bully bosses in workplace and they enjoy it. They even enjoy acting that way over other women. One can say that it is a touch an go. But, on most cases a woman can be a man's worst nightmare in the workplace. At times, one can even see women avoiding to talk to non-white colleagues completely to the extent that it starts affecting their work. There are cases where female interviewers just refuse to shake hands with candidates after the interview. Women harassing and abusing men and even women in workplace has been growing since diversity initiatives came into play. Manipulations through false allegations where even the use of CCTV as evidence is blocked. All this breathes toxicity and questionable ethical practices in the workplace. And, it is only going to get worse as women hide behind the victim card and play the differential gender disparity myth.