25 September 2014

Top Python Web Frameworks

Python has emerged to be a major contender for mainstream web applications in the large. The language provides flexibility of libraries on both fronts from web application development to big data analytics. It is also an amazingly good integration language. For large applications, python can provide for reduction in maintenance nightmare in comparison to languages like Ruby, Perl, and even bloated Java code bases. The following web frameworks are quite popular and useful for a multitude of real-world application domains where performance, scalability, and flexibility of use are often the deciding factors.

Django - a full stack web framework providing fluid pragmatic designs
Flask - a minimalist and flexible microframework especially for restful applications
Twisted - an event-driven networking engine for low-level engineered applications
Tornado - a web framework and server with an asynchronous library for non-blocking IO
Cyclone - a framework built in concert with twisted and tornado for web applications
Pyramid - a plugin friendly web framework that tries to ease the development of web applications