5 October 2014

Semantic Certifications

Getting certified in a particular technology is a debatable topic. For some employers, it could be a plus point for achievement. For others, it holds very little value. And, yet certifications can also get outdated very quickly. Perhaps, getting certified with the concepts is more important than the technology certification that is specific to a version. Semantic Web technologies are slow moving as they go through an extensive specification driven process. They are also rarely taught so formally at university and even for certifications. However, Semantic Web is growing in popularity as industry sees remarkable benefits in contextualizing data and information on the web as well as a wide variety of use cases. Semsphere Certifications is one unique starting point that provides solid grounding in the area with a rigorous exam. The certifications are primarily at two levels which may be of interest to most developers: Specialist and a Professional. The third level is primarily for trainers. The two levels cover broadly the core areas of interest and technologies in Semantic Web: